Light Purple Haze and Magic Mirror

Here are a few words on Light Purple Haze and Magic Mirror from Lexxi Shands.

At first glance, Light Purple Haze (LPH) and Magic Mirror (MM) may appear to be the same color, they are actually far from it!

The rods for both colors are clear to begin with, however the second you start working them you can tell they are two very different colors! While LPH turns into a transparent, light amber color with purple undertones when worked in a focused intense or oxygen rich flame, MM turns into a more of an opaque, non-translucent tan, with swirls of yellows and murky greens.

When I used soft bushy more neutral flame, the colors again appear to be on opposite pages, with the LPH turning into an opaque light tan color with swirls of purples and blues and the MM turning into a color reminiscent of fume trapped in clear.

Both colors work like butter in any flame and can be used to add just a small amount of color on dark background or they can stand alone and still shine!
